These properties are one of the easiest to do work in.
Interior renovation works do not need any prior approvals from authorities, although we still need to follow the standard timing for works to be carried out.
Let us help you out with any questions or enquiries!
Who do I need to engage for my landed renovation works?
Engage an architect for a whole house revamp. A qualified interior designer can also carry out the works for a full house revamp. And a main contractor when you are just looking for a straight forward renovation like doing works for the kitchens and toilets or painting the house.
What are the costs for the renovation works for a landed property?
It depends on the works that are needed. If you’d like to do a whole house revamp with conceptualisation, engaging an architect or interior designer is the best option. If you are looking for a straightforward revamp of the kitchen and toilets, getting a main contractor to carry out the works will suffice.
From which authority do I need to ask permission for when doing works to a landed property?
Works to the interior of a landed property do not require permission from any authorities.