Thinking about managing your own Renovation?

Managing your own renovation takes a different set of skills.
Unless you're a project manager with relevant industry experience, you'll need a guide to know when the next trade is due to come in and how you can schedule this seamlessly to avoid a pro-longed timeline and costly mistakes.
In this era, more and more homeowners are brave enough to manage their own renovation. Although, more than 50% make a mess of it and end up paying more for their own mistakes.
If only they had a renovation blueprint to follow step by step, and someone trusted that they can call to check on something urgently.Ā 
I intend to write a book on a step by step guide on home renovation. Although the book isn't due for release anytime soon.Ā 
I don't want more homeowners wasting their hard earned money, when they actually wanted to save money by managing their own renovation project.Ā 
This is why i have decided to offer consultation for those planning to manage their own renovation project.Ā 
What you'll get:
- 2 hrs consultation at my office, make sure you bring a notebook to take as much notes as you can
- I will take you through the renovation process, step by step blueprint on when each trade comes in and how long they'll need
- how you should manage and keep track of the renovation
- when you should start planning
All the above at $150/- NETT
On top of all this, I'll throw in one call each day Monday to Friday during your renovation for 2 months.Ā 
Price will go up once I've helped 10 homeowners.Ā 
Talk to you soon Homeowners!Ā