Reviews Collected Since 2019

We share all reviews here from our customers. Some solicited, while others are voluntary.

Why we do not have a social platform that we choose to post our reviews? 

We do not own the review platforms. And have encountered many issues with suspension, and even deletion of our profiles.

We've decided not to rely on those platforms any longer and just get our reviews and feedbacks posted here on our own website.

All the reviews here are verified with customers, and posted with prior permission given. 



Whatsapp reviews shared below of a couple in Taman Jurong, getting their 2 toilets renovated.

This couple was very pleasant to work with. They were decisive, and decided to go for the silicone grouting option for their tiling works. Thank you Huiying & Andy for putting your trust in us!


The other couple, newlyweds Kaysen & Nadhia, had just bought their 3 room BTO resale, and we revamped the whole house for them.

From hacking, combining their kitchen and service yard, tiling for their toilets and whole house vinyl flooring.

This project was a little emotional for us as one of them had gone through a renovation nightmare before, when his parents renovated recently.

We had assured him that we were not a fly by night contractor, and our Project Manager had personally committed to an undertaking to complete the project within the agreed timeline. 


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Dr Zam is one of Singapore's leading personalized tutors.

Helping him in his expansion was a fulfilling process. Probably one of the smartest people here, he curates teaching for each child differently.

The renovation was done during the first year of our operation. I'm happy that we had delivered the project within his expectations. 

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Lennie was a mentor when we joined BNI Champions.

Coincidentally, his in laws needed to spruce up their unit for rental. We started by clearing the space out, revamping the whole kitchen, rewiring the unit and finishing it off with a fresh coat of paint. Happy and grateful that this had helped them get a very good price for their rental.

Not forgetting of course, the agent that was tasked to find the perfect tenants did an amazing job marketing the unit. 


Jolene's husband, Kumar had contacted us through Facebook. We discussed a little bit about their needed renovation, and we had arranged to meet at the unit to finalize the works.

Kumar had put his trust in us since the beginning, as he had sensed we were sharing truthfully about the renovation even when the contract was not awarded to us yet.

He appreciated us for this, and we completed his resale EA in Jurong West within the agreed timeline even though there were delays caused by their vanity supplier. 


When Yasin came across our website, he decided to take up our 2 Toilets Resale Package.

He also wanted to hack the living and balcony wall, while levelling up his balcony with living.

There were some delays when HDB didn't approve the balcony wall hacking and top up of balcony even after 2 weeks.

He kept checking the online submission, and at the same time called HDB's officer in charge to check on the delay. Eventually, HDB gave us the go head and project was completed without any further delays.


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 We tried something different below, where we collected a renovation feedback survey instead from our customer. Shabana took up our 3 room BTO Resale Premium Package, and she was very pleased with the works done. Read details below! 

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